Isn't it funny how a converstion can turn in almost any direction unexpectedly? Kids do that, ya know?
The other day, AidanMilo asked me about a blanket I was making. I told him I was going to a baby shower and it was a gift for the baby. Then Ethan chimes in and says, "Let me guess mom, a baby shower is when you bring gifts for the baby, and meet the baby, and play with it and do things with it....not like throwing it up in the air or anything...but like being nice and soft and stuff like that." A give a little laugh and say he's almost got the right idea, but normally the baby hasn't been born yet, and the party is more for the mother to help her out. Then AidanMilo half listening, half not says with a perplexed look, " having a baby?" That caught me off guard and I respond, "Umm, NOOO! Besides, do I look pregnant?" Ethan continues to educate my 5 year old and tells him, "Ya, mom isn't having a baby. Don't you know that when someone has a baby their belly comes out to here. (as Ethan has his arms making a big circle around his belly) You know, this area, they look...." Ethan looks up at me, and states, "I don't want to be mean mom, and say the word....y'know, the F-A-T word. " I could not help but laugh and be so proud to. He was educating his brother in more way then one. Good job Ethan. I hope you continue on being so respectful of others. :o)