I think it is time I write a little something about my eldest son...the man of mischief , the ruler over his siblings, the charmer and most of all, the quick-witted, little smart-remark maker with the biggest attitude, my stud- muffin, my dearest Ethan.

First of all, I would like to mention that he has entered into the double digits! My boy turned 10 on the 7th of October and I am still in awe! When did he get so grown up???? He used to be this bowling ball of a baby in my arms, then a little tyke in pre-k and now he's in the 4th grade talking about cars and trucks he wants to own, wants to know how things work, attempting to fix things and thinks he is too cool for his mom's hugs and kisses?! What?! This cannot be happening! He had a wonderful birthday (aside from his attitude on the morning of his birthday when he might have gotten into trouble for not sharing). He spent the weekend with his dad and Emily (Greg's new wife) and her kids. He loves spending time with his new extra large family, especially since he is still the oldest and can be ruler over all, but he is still a sweet little helper and big brother. Emily made him a doughnut cake (a birthday tradition in her family) and his cousin Dallin spent the night. (I will be honest, I'm glad that took place at Greg's place and not mine....I can't imagine the kinds of crazy that goes on when those two are together! ;)

Then later that week, I picked Ethan up for a mommy/son date and I took him to one of those dine-in movie theaters.We saw Hotel Transylvania, in 3D! We had such a blast, just the two of us! I loved being able to spend that time with him. :o)

Along with his maturing age, he has been losing teeth like crazy! It seems like another one is loose or missing every single week. He currently has only one tooth hanging on in the upper left. He refers to it as"the island" since it stands alone. Hahaha, that kid cracks me up!
One last thing......Ethan has been doing very well in scouts. He enjoys all the activities and friends he has made. He has recently completed all his goals and "wrestled the bear" and has officially earned his Bear. Now, he has entered the Webelos den. I am so proud of my boy!

Ethan, I love you! You make me smile, laugh and want to rip my hair out sometimes, but you are one of the most loving, thoughtful, brightest kids I know! I am proud to be your mama! And you will never be too cool to receive hugs and kisses from Me! ;o)