Friday, October 26, 2012

A quick interjection....

It has come to my attention that in my earlier post of that sweet baby girl Avery, that I mentioned the "girls" at work named me "Craft-Afty". This was in girl, Jess, whom I love to hate and hate to love, has made me see the error of my ways. It is her and ONLY her who came up with such a creative and fitting nickname for MOI! I publicly and cyber-ly apologize to my girl Jessica. Thank you for giving me my name which everyone loves and uses. I {heart} you.....not....but yes, I do. :) Hopefully you are happy with my giving you credit where credit is due.

BTW  - this is ONLY at the request of this crazy woman that I write this addendum. :)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hot Air Ballooning....

It is so often that when a hot air balloon is floating through the blue sky one of my kids will say. "hey, look mom, a balloon.." Hot air balloons just seem magical, don't they? So when a friend invited me to take the boys on a quick up and down ride (or two, or three) in a balloon for free, I couldn't really pass up the opportunity!

 The kids loved every minute of it, but Aidan Milo really enjoyed it the most and sneaked in a few extras rides!

 We stuck around til the end of the rides and the boys got to help bring the balloon down and put it away! They were so happy and excited to help! Here they are basically playing tug-o-war with the balloon....the balloon won, but who is really keeping score anyway?! :o)

~And of course, a BIG Thank you to Dusty (and Josh) for the invite and the rides in your hot air balloon!~


This is Jess and Jojo....and one very awesome Carlson....little Miss Avery....
Jessica is my co worker. We have a love-hate relationship that no one really understands....except for...well....nope, no one, not even Jess and I understand this relationship, but at least we have a cool handshake sign thingy we do when we see each other. I digress....this post is about her baby girl, Avery!! When Jessica told me she was preggers, I immediately went looking for a baby shower gift that would knock her socks off because that's what you do when you love to hate them how much better you are at gift giving than they are (I {heart} you Jess)! After much thought, I came up with the idea of an Alice in Wonderland theme. Why? Uhhh....because that is Jessica's FAVORITE movie!! Duh! However, an Alice in Wonderland story book just wasn't enough for my Jess and her baby girl. Back to the drawing board I went and the fabulous "Crafty-Afty" (a name my co-workers dubbed me) decided to put her Mad Hatter sewing skillz to work and sewed up this sweet little dress! :o)

 I packaged it up with a some ruffle-butt tights, black shoes and a black hair bow, and lets not forget the story book....and Presto! Jessica ended up with her very own Alice, errr...I mean, Avery in Wonderland!!
Isn't she an Absolute Doll?!?! I love her to pieces, but for some reason her mama won't let me babysit her..go figure?
Jess, I love to hate you and hate to love you! {<3 #, =, 11, peace out} and walk away.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

All About Aidan Milo.....

My little Aidan Milo...he IS the MOST kindest, SWEETEST, Loving boy EVER!!! He recently just turned 7 years old. He is growing up right before my eyes and I can't believe it! His birthday was celebrated for a week (Jam packed with a ton of fun!) He celebrated with me, then over at his dads, then at my parents, and then back to me to spoil him some more. :o)
For his birthday he wanted frozen yogurt, he wanted to go see Madagascar 3, and he wanted a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles (the kid LOVES his sprinkles!)...he was King for the day, and he was over the moon about it! One thing about my Aidan Milo.... it doesn't matter how big, how small, how thoughtful or insignificant something might be...he gets ecstatic about everything! He loves it all.

Presents time!!! (please ignore the horrible videography...oh, and the extremely weird, crazy lady singing....)

The Diamondbacks game was awesome (even if we did end up losing to his stepmothers team ;). We had a BLAST! The seats were AMAZING!

The boys even made it on the big screen doing their best "Gangnam Style" dance! Unfortunately, I don't have any pics or footage of happened way to fast :( 
The day definitely wore the kiddos out, always a good sign that they had just as much fun as I did :o)

 Happy Birthday Aidan Milo! You make my days brighter with your adorable (sometimes goofy) sparkling smile. I love you so much!

To read about his special day over at his dads house, you can read it here (his stepmother Emily does a much better job than myself at keeping a fabulous blog!):

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Where has the time gone???

Wow! It's been well over a year since my last post and I make absolutely NO EXCUSES!!! (Besides....I am pretty sure NO ONE reads this thing, but it makes a great journal, right???) There has been a lot that has happened, a lot that I should have blogged and probably quite a bit that I shouldn't, so really....there is just no need for an update of happenings of the past....lets just start with the most current activities (and crossing my fingers I can stay a little more up to date with this whole blog thing). I think I will make them as separate posts as I am much better at writing 'short stories' rather than 'novels' anyways. TTFN....